Dear Pledge Listeners,
I am so excited to announce that Season 2 is now live! Let me start by thanking all of you who contributed financially to help keep The Pledge Podcast going. Your contributions and support got me to Virginia and made possible the resulting line-up of amazing stories for Season 2. Thank you so much for your support! (For the rest of you, it’s not too late to contribute!)
Now, please listen and share in every way you can! Spreading the word is the next step for making The Pledge a sustainable resource, and for spreading the hope and inspiration that comes from the stories of incredible, dedicated activists we bring you in every episode.
This first episode features Lisa Sales fighting to finally ratify the ERA in Virginia. It couldn’t be more timely: the Virginia election that is less than 2 weeks away. Lisa’s powerful story illustrates how crucial it is both personally for millions of women, and politically for equality in our country, to get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified. This upcoming election could make all the difference - please see our website for ways you can help get out the vote in Virginia and make it all happen.
With enormous gratitude for your support!
Remind your friends to sign up for this newsletter at And please be sure to review the podcast. It makes a difference!