Hi Pledge Listeners!
I’m excited and a little nervous to announce the release of my latest episode featuring… me. As I started this podcast and my own activist journey around the midterm elections, I decided to track my own experiences as a way of honestly sharing and demystifying what it’s like to start to organize—the highs, the lows, the questioning and ultimate rewards around getting engaged. Although I never would have expected it even a few months earlier, I became the Southeast Regional Coordinator for Swing Left. I dedicated my energy and rallied my friends around the congressional campaign of Tabitha Isner of Alabama. Listen to the episode and join me through some self-discovery, hard work, frustration and inspiration.
This is the first of three episodes of what I’m calling a bonus mini-season of The Pledge. In two weeks I’ll be posting a guest interview from the podcast Democracy Works with civil rights legend Joyce Ladner. I think you will appreciate what she has to say!
Thanks as always for listening and for spreading the word. This is about all of us taking the steps we have to take to strengthen our democracy.
With gratitude,
Allison, Melanie and Shana canvassing with Swing Left