Dear Pledge Listeners:
Today we are releasing the second episode of Season 3 of The Pledge, and the second episode featuring Sheena Meade and the fight to restore voting rights to returning citizens in Florida. This episode shows how sticking with it, persevering in the face of expected and unexpected obstacles, is just a crucial part of making our democracy work. If you haven't listened to episode 1, make sure to learn about Sheena there first.
“This is Bigger Than Us: Sheena Meade Part 2” follows the aftermath of the amazing victory in 2018 of Florida’s Amendment Four. Millions of Floridians - almost 65% - voted to re-enfranchise people who had formerly been incarcerated with their right to vote. It was truly a great moment for democracy. But this next episode shows that, even when we win, the fight continues. It’s not that we can never take breaks, but the lesson is to expect the work to continue after the break. As voters we need to keep our leaders accountable, let them know our expectations, and give them the support they need to fight for us, and call them out when they don’t. That means staying involved, and working through our fatigue and frustrations. As Hedrick Smith says, “Democracy is a participant sport. It’s not a spectator sport.”
In that spirit, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the challenges facing our democracy in this crucial moment, I know I am. But as Margaret Meade famously said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” If you are looking for something to do today to protect voting rights as we head into this crucial election, please check out our Take Action page, pledge yourself to the fight, and share your work with others.
What is your pledge for the 2020 election? Please give me a call and tell me what you are doing to engage in our democracy. Have you made a donation? Have you text-banked? Sharing what you are doing will help other people do something too.
Help share your pledges and ideas by leaving us a voicemail at