Organizing to build lasting power and guarantee basic rights in Detroit.
Dear Pledge Listeners:
As a sixteen year old growing up outside Detroit, Vanessa Velazquez’s shock over her family’s outrageous water bill got her questioning the bigger political context of social justice issues in her city. In "Let’s Get Out There," we learn how that experience motivated her to study political science at Michigan State, and end up as an organizer in the Detroit area fighting to do something about it.
Episode Five: “Let’s Get Out There!”
Now, as the Field Director for Detroit Action, Vanessa is managing a team of organizers working nonstop to reach 150,000 potential voters in their critical swing state. Their goal goes far beyond getting the residents to vote--they’re building power and a voting culture that can transform the political context and guarantee people’s basic rights--rights like secure housing and government accountability. Of course, voting in November is a crucial first step!
I would also like to take a moment to comment on the tornado within which we find ourselves these days. We all have many moments where the news feels overwhelming, and it is tempting to hide under our pillows and hope it all goes away. Vanessa’s story shows us how a young woman is helping to make crucial change in the Detroit area. Her work is getting people engaged in the political process who have a lot of reasons to be cynical about their ability to make things better, but they never give up.
And that’s what I want to take note of—their decision to not give up. In fact they are working harder than ever. When I start to despair, thinking about these people that have taken time to share with me how they are not stopping helps snap me out of it. They not only believe that we can build a better country, they’re doing it every day, relentlessly pushing back and moving forward. Please consider supporting Detroit Action. They are ready to train you if you want to volunteer.
Make Calls: They have a great system where the computer makes the calls so you just get connections. It still takes patience, but I did it today and got one volunteer and someone else that needed the info to go vote. VERY gratifying. Email me if you want to discuss. Sign up here!
Make a Donation: Your support will help build local leadership. Detroit Action is a union of Black and Brown, low and no-income, homeless and housing insecure Detroiters fighting for housing and economic justice. They are a grassroots, member-led, multigenerational, community-based organization fighting for real political power. Donate here.
Stay strong!